Mario Forever

Updated on:

February 16, 2024



Operating System:

Windows 11 / Windows 10 / Windows 8 / Windows 7


Free / Trial


Mario Forever is a free PC game inspired by the classic Super Mario Bros. game. It features many of the same elements as the original game, but with updated graphics and sound effects. The game was developed by a group of fans and is not officially endorsed by Nintendo.


The game features 16 levels, each with different challenges and enemies.
There are three difficulty levels to choose from.
The game features updated graphics and sound effects.
The game includes a level editor, allowing players to create their own levels.

Mario Forever captures the essence of the classic Super Mario Bros. game while adding new elements.
The updated graphics and sound effects make the game more appealing to modern players.
The game’s level editor allows for endless replayability.

The game’s difficulty can be frustrating for some players, even on the easiest difficulty setting.
The game’s controls can be unresponsive at times, which can be frustrating.
Some players may find the game too similar to the original Super Mario Bros. game.
Mario Forever is a fun and free PC game that is sure to appeal to fans of the classic Super Mario Bros. game. While the game’s difficulty and unresponsive controls may be frustrating for some players, the level editor and updated graphics and sound effects make it a worthwhile experience. If you’re a fan of the original game or just looking for a fun, free PC game, Mario Forever is definitely worth checking out.

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